Flood estimation for large catchments using deterministic approach – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report presents an interactive software that has been developed to not only provide design flood estimates for large as well as small sized catchments but also help the users analyse their historical rainfall-runoff records for calibration and validation of the various techniques for part or whole of the catchment and river reaches.

For large size catchments, the flood estimates are carried out applying unit hydrograph techniques together with flood routing through channel and existing or proposed reservoirs. The procedure involves dividing the catchment into sub-catchments and preparing the network model for the whole catchment making it a tedious process, and for this reason, the need for software for analysis was felt.

The report presents several options to deal with aspects such as processing and analysis of rainfall data, rating curve analysis and computation of discharge, computation of excess rainfall and direct surface runoff, unit hydrograph derivation and reproduction of direct surface runoff, estimation of flood hydrograph for large as well as small catchments using unit hydrograph approach, reservoir routing and channel routing.

The report describes the sample input and output files for each of the option examples. The names of input and output files for various options are also presented as an annexure.

Download the report here:


Post By: rajshekar