First international advocacy planning meeting for water and sanitation activists WASH News and policy update

Content courtesy: India WASH Forum 

India WASH Forum

'First international advocacy planning meeting for water and sanitation activists'- WASH news and policy update: Bi-monthly e-newsletter of the India WASH Forum, Issue 21, December 2011 focuses on the following:

  • The Times Magazine has named The Protestor” as the Year 2011 Person of the Year, in recognition of the pro democracy protests against governments the world over. 
  • The forum brings together a collection of reports and papers on the subject of manual scavenging compiled by the Network Jivika 
  • Government of India launched the National School Sanitation Initiative recently that makes it compulsory for schools to focus on the practical aspects of sanitation including personal hygiene, clean toilet habits, waste segregation, etc. 
  • The first international advocacy planning meeting for water and sanitation activists was organised by End Water Poverty (EWP) and Freshwater Action Network (FAN Global).
  • The Mumbai Global Sanitation Forum was organised by the WSSCC in October 2011, to bring together a range of organisations and individuals to discuss sanitation and hygiene issues
  • The India Urban Conference organized by Janagraha, IIHS, Arghyam and Yale University in Nov 2011 in Mysore, provided a setting for a large national conference on diverse urban issues.
  • The forum presents a a brief note by the implementing agency, Natural resources Management Consultants(NRMC), on the focus of the Global Sanitation Fund in India and an analysis of the current sanitation situation in the states of Jharkhand and Assam.
Download the attachement to read the entire newsletter.



Post By: iwpsuperadmin