Find source of uranium contamination in Punjab: Experts

Need to find source of uranium contamination in Punjab: Experts 

Doctors in Patiala say Centre should support the state government to find out how uranium is constantly contaminating water in the state, especially in the Malwa belt. Excessive use of pesticides over the years is said to be a possible reason.

Water purifiers by Atomic Energy Commission

The new technology, to be released soon all over India by the nuclear energy authority, claims to even purify fluoride-laden water.

A camera and a ball to monitor water leaks in Kochi

The Kerala Water Authority has devised two new technologies, a smart ball and a sensor with a camera, that will roll inside pipelines to detect leaks. The smart ball works by detecting acoustic pulses which can locate even very small leaks and air pockets in the pipeline.

80% textile units in Pali to shut operations

Following orders of the National Green Tribunal, around 480 of the 600 textile and dying units in this Rajasthan district running without consent to operate, will shut down. The units released their chemical effluent into the river Bandi despite High Court orders.

After disease outbreak, illegal toilets found in Panchkula

Water from the sewage pipeline of 135 illegal toilets got mixed with the drinking water supply line causing the outbreak. A young girl had died while several others fell ill at a housing society of this Chandigarh suburb. 

Rs 5,000 crore Kerala port under green scanner

Activists allege that the clearance was granted to the Vizhinjam port without considering the impact of artificial structures built by reclaiming the sea on marine ecologyNGT issues notice to the Central and state governments and the developer company.

Yettinahole figures manipulated: environmentalist

The Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, nodal agency for the project, has manipulated the statistics about water available for diversion from Yettinahole and the annual average rainfall data in its catchment, said activist Ravindranath Shanbhag

Hyderabad residents against lake fencing 

Accuse authorities of fencing Yellama Cheruvu lake without due consideration to the actual full tank level. In 2011, residents had filed a petition against construction in the lake which reduced its area from 41 acres to the present 23 acres

Bangalore plans water recycling plant

The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board has prepared a detailed project report of the 140 MLD Vrishabhavathi valley recycle and reuse project. Half of this water will be released into the Arkavathi river and the rest will be supplied to the nearby industrial area.

Two international weather updates confirm El Nino fear

While the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said that factors leading to an El Nino are now increasingly visible, the US based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center said temperature anomalies associated with El Nino had strongly increased since the end of January

This is the news roundup of March 15 and 16, 2014.

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