Everybody's Water


Everybody’s Water

Note: All characters become water bodies with minimal props. The characters should try and use body, movement and sound to the best of their ability to convey the emotion of the character. It is ensemble theatre, so as many people can take part in the play. There is no lead role and roles can be interchanged with every performance.

Scene 1

This scene is largely expressed through exaggerated movements and expressions. There is no need for speech in this scene, except where it is mentioned.

Woman wakes up to brush her teeth, walks up to the wash basin, looks at herself in the mirror, yawns and starts brushing her teeth. Soon she turns the tap, only to realize that there’s no water coming out of the tap.

Boy goes to the latrine in the morning, and then starts squatting, and tries to turn on the tap, but then realizes there is no water.

Farmer goes to water his crops in the field, but there is no water in the well, or in the tank. It has disappeared!

Woman goes to the hand pump to fill water, and there is no water!

Young man opens a fridge, looks around and exclaims “There’s no water in the fridge dude. Oh my god, where’s the water? I think I’ll just go buy me some water. Where’s my wallet? Oh never mind, I think this 15 rupees should be enough."

Shopkeeper: "I have already said that all the water has already been sold out from this shop, and all the shops in this neighborhood. Please stop irritating me. Now, somebody, get me a glass of water will you?"

Street vendor: "Sau ka ek, Sau ka ek, Sau ka ek gilas paani. Bilkul Thanda Paani"

Man wakes up in the morning, to go for a swim in the river nearby. All the water in the river has disappeared. “Where has the river gone?” he shouts.

Scene 2

TV Journalist( stressed, dramatic, worried and concerned)- “Breaking news, live and exclusive on BodyTV, all the water has disappeared from our planet as of yesterday, and we have reports coming in from all places and countries, people have reported stating that there is no water to drink, rivers have disappeared, wells have gone dry, not a single drop of water from any tap. In fact, even the clouds have dried up. All the trees and plants are drying up, animals have been seen running around desperately looking for water, people are helplessly waiting. Now over to our correspondent, Nobody who is reporting live to give you more details.

Nobody: "All water bodies have filed a case on everybody! And if Everybody wants to solve this problem, then they must be present at the court hearing today at 4 PM.

The water bodies seem to be very angry and have decided to stop supply to everybody on the planet. They have complained of everybody wasting water unnecessarily, polluting water, wasting rainwater, damaging aquatic life, and also affecting fertility of the land, and many such complaints.

Everybody has been blaming Somebody else for these problems. The solution is now in Everybody’s hands. This is Nobody reporting from BodyTV. Stay with us for more details."

Scene 3

General Body Meeting of Water Bodies

Ocean (old, serious)- "I am happy to see all of you here for this long overdue meeting. For centuries now, we have been misused by everybody. It was about time for us to have stopped all supplies. If this continues, we will all be finished, and then both water bodies and everybody will suffer."


Rainfall (angry)- "If only they had saved some of me, nobody would suffer. I have been falling and falling down on their stupid heads every year for months together. I know I can go overboard sometimes, and keep falling for days together, and sometimes I’m so tired that I don’t fall for years. But Ocean Sir, yes, I agree with you. It is finally time to stop falling and flowing, and time to take some action. I am glad this day has come."

Lake (sad and fragile)- "I was so happy once upon a time. So many shades of green and blue, so happy with all my fish swimming about, and the plants keeping me company. We used to have so much fun together. These days, Sir, I have no words to say, my colours are changing from green to black, filled with ugly smelly chemicals. All the fish are dying and even the plants are finding it tough to live. I have managed to come for this meeting to share my state with you."

Groundwater (in a resigned tone)- "Everybody wants to chase me out. Everybody wants to drink me up. I try to hide in little corners but every time I hide, a new bore-well comes and drinks me up.
Everybody wants to dig, dig, dig, dig, digging here, digging there, and digging everywhere. I’m getting tired of this hide and seek, because I lose all the time. "

Sea (calm)- "See, everybody needs us, don’t you get it? We just have to understand each other. Lets not cry and be angry. I know so many people who have sung songs to me, written poems about me, come to my shores every time the sun sets. They flatter me. And, lets not complain. They need us and have to take care of us. Its good we are united now. Lets be confident and tell them how we feel, and solve this."

Water Taps (casual) - "Yes, Yes, Come on waters, lets face it. If people didn’t have water, would we be happy? If nobody drank us, what use what would we be? There will be no plants, no animals  - we will be so lonely! We need everybody just as much as everybody needs us."

Puddles (happy, chirpy)
Let’s go flowing
Let’s go rowing
Let’s keep going
Let’s keep growing.

Let’s come together
And not fight forever
Let’s give a little
Take a little
Let’s give a little and
Take a little.


Scene 4

At the court room

Chaos in the room, people are moaning and groaning, looking worried and some are crying.

Judge: "Order! Order! Order!
Today in my court, the case of Water Body Versus Everybody will be heard. We hope that we come to a balanced and sound judgment. This was expected, given the current situation in the planet. Let us not panic, let’s try and resolve this problem. Both parties will be given a chance to present their case."

Everybody can be played by more than one character. They should however, symbolize one body, one voice. Water bodies can be scattered across stage. Props may be used in this scene to represent the water bodies, left to the child’s imagination. The character sketch of each character comes out clearly in the tone of expression.

Water, Water everywhere, not a drop to drink
Water, Water everywhere, EVERYBODY needs to think
With Water, Water, nowhere, you may stink and sink,
Water, water nowhere, you are at the brink

My lord, we have had to stop supplies to Everybody. There is not enough to supply to Everybody.  

Anybody: But I get water in my taps everyday, just today it stopped, suddenly?

Water: Yes, we know that. I’m sorry you had to face problems, but you faced it today. Do you know for how long we have been facing problems?

Everybody: Objection me Lord! Water Body may have faced problems, but it is not our fault. We should not suffer. It is somebody’s fault.

Somebody: Objection me Lord! Everybody always says its Somebody’s fault. I’m sorry but this time its everybody’s fault. So everybody has to answer.

Judge: Hmmm! Everybody, what do you have to say about this? Do you have any thing to say in your defense?

Everybody: Yes my Lord. We want to know why and how we are responsible for this problem.

Water: I would like to call upon Water Taps as my first witness.

Water Tap: I am so tired of my life. Everyday, for every single thing, people just say, “ Just turn the tap on”.  I cannot understand Everybody’s problems. Some say they have no water and the rest have it, but don’t know how to use what they have.
They keep brushing, and I just going down the drain. They want to have shower baths - closing their eyes busy putting shampoo. Some even use shower for half an hour to have a bath, simply standing under the water. And some have extra ordinarily long baths! Some children just flush water down the drain, it’s a game they say!

Water: So you see my Lord, in all these ways, we are being wasted. We get mixed up with waste and feel more wasted. After so many years and years of waste, and hundreds and millions of people doing this, how can we keep saving some for everybody. We had to stop.

Everybody is silent, and looking down.

Puddles, lakes and rivers

Oooh, oooh, oooh
What a pity, what a shame.
Blah, blah, blah..
There is no one else to blame.

(almost like a rap)
Everybody points a finger at somebody,
But somebody says it’s gotta be nobody,
Now, will anybody want to believe nobody…
Nobody wants to think that they are everbody..


Confusion, suspicion, delusion, illusion
It’s time for everybody to start a revision.

Judge: What do you have to say, Everybody!?

Everybody: Hmmm. What can I say, everyone needs to speak up I think.  Some of us do not realize what we have, but not everyone is like that. Why do you think we have come to court to discuss this. We may have been wasting water, but we also know that you are indispensable.

Judge: Looks like water too will become dispensable, like all of us. I have no hope at the rate that it’s going. Anyway, I’m sure water has more to say.

Rainfall: My Lord, years ago when I used to fall, people have been saving me for many reasons. It is only recently that everybody has become dependent on their taps, and have forgotten about me. I only have to fall on the road, and make puddles, flow here, there, everywhere and make a big mess. Even in cities, I could be used to water plants, to wash vehicles, and if purified, even to drink. Why can’t people save some rain when I fall? I fall for them, not for me!

Everybody: We might have become a little ignorant, but we love the rain. You can’t  stop falling. We have just become careless. It didn’t even occur to us that we can save rainwater and it can be reused if filtered. But there are many people doing this already, but I agree it’s not enough.

Judge: We will have to wait and see. Water, any other problems?

Water in a Bottle: And Everybody, I must bring to your notice, that your children, have no idea how they waste me. I don’t take so much space, I store water for you whenever you are thirsty, and you just need to take the cap and drink up. So many times, only few sips are taken and then we are thrown away. If only everybody could drink as much as they want and recharge the ground with some extra water. Would help my counterparts a great deal!?

Everybody:  You know, we don’t think about these things. They are too insignificant for us. There is no time, we are caught up about our own business, we don’t have the energy to think about Water. But of course, it has reached a stage where we will have to rethink the way we live our lives. Surely, pouring you out into the ground is not too much to ask for.

Judge: Good, write that down.

Land: I know I’m not water my Lord, but I also want to say that I am involved in this because all the water which is being used is being stored by me. And if everybody is using too much water, and wasting it, then I will not have water to give any more. I can recycle water a little bit, but everybody needs to know that I can’t do this fast, and it takes a long time. So I request everybody to plant more trees, and water them, and use water wisely, so I can keep providing more and more people with water.

Everybody: Hmmm.. this is  a worrying concern even for us. We don’t want the trees to die. Our forests are also slowly disappearing, there are small efforts by some bodies who are trying to afforest you. So it’s just the matter of time. We will take note of that, My Lord.

Groundwater: No we have not finished. You don’t forget to recharge your phones, do you?! You don’t forget to fill your stomachs, do you? You don’t forget to dig, when you need water, do you?
I may be underground, and you may never ever see me, though that’s where your water comes from! It’s pure magic for you all. Remember, if I dry up, there will be no more magic, you will all dry up like me. I need to be recharged, rainfall is not enough. So empathise, sympathy is not enough. If you want water when yoy dig, recharge me, pur some water on me. It is for your benefit I am saying this.  Whenever it rains, make sure it doesn’t go for a waste. You can try and give some of that delicious rain water to me, and I will use it to recharge myself.

Also if you’re throwing away spare or waste water in the sink, try throwing some water in the ground, and I mean soil. Not cement or concrete. My good friend, Land here will store it up and give it to me, and then you can take it back whenever you need it. This way, I have more water, and you have more water!

(all characters gather on stage)

Everybody: Thank you for the music! For so long we have been selfish. Today we have realized that our money is useless if there is no water. Just for one day, we have seen how much we need water, and how we cannot do the smallest things without you. Just give us another chance, we will look after you like you have looked after us.

Judge: It’s completely up to you water, because as far as I can see most of your points you have made cannot be defended by Everybody. I have to let you have the final say.

Water: Thank you, My Lord. It is evident that Everybody is guilty. We are grateful that you have listened to us. But we really hope that this situation doesn’t arise again. We would like to flow clean, free and happily. We want to see green, clean and pure planet. Let’s hope that things get better. Everybody, we will be bored without you all, and we want to be there for you all. Just treat us well and treat us kind.

Everybody: You have my word for it, WaterBodies. Thanks for trusting us.

To the audience
Everybody pull up your socks
Or be prepared for many shocks
Let’s not waste and let’s take care
Without water, we’re nowhere

To the water bodies
To brush, to wash, to cook and clean,
To grow, to breathe, we need to lean,
On you and all your many streams
This cannot be only a dream!

We’ll drink a little, save a little,
Use a little, reuse a little.
We’ll think before we use our taps,
We’ll plan for people across the maps.

Water, water, please don’t go,
Without you, we cannot sow,
We hope you trust us one last time,
This song is not only a rhyme.

Post By: iwpsuperadmin