The environment protection rules - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1986)

The document describes the mechanism for implementation of the rules of the Act by providing information on the:

  • Standards for emissions or discharge of environmental pollutants
  • The mode in which directions can be issued
  • Prohibitions and restrictions on the location of industries and the carrying on processes and operations in different areas
  • Proceedure for taking samples for testing
  • Service of notice to the occupier or his/her agent
  • Procedure for submission of samples for analysis, and the form of laboratory report
  • Functions of environmental laboratories
  • Qualification of the government analyst
  • Manner of giving notice
  • Furnishing of information to authorities and agencies in certain cases
  • Prohibition and restriction on the handling of hazardous substances in different areas
  • Submission of environmental statement

The original document can be viewed here on the Ministry of Environment and Forests website

Download the document:


Post By: rajshekar