Environment Policy of Sikkim - Department of Forests, Environment & Wildife (2010)

The Environment Policy of Sikkim states that the state shall endeavour to protect & improve the environment, to safeguard the forests & wildlife and to protect & improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers & wildlife and to have compassion for the living creatures. Over the years, the environment, forests and land in the state of Sikkim have come under serious pressure. More than 80 per cent of the land resources of the state are under the management of the Department of Forests, Environment and Wildlife.

The policy lays down the basic objectives that should govern environment, forest and land use as -

  • Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and where necessary, restoration of ecological balance which has been distributed due to various developmental activities, faulty land practices and degradation of forest resources.
  • Conserving the natural heritage of the state through conservation and preservation of natural forests of the state with vast variety of flora and fauna, which represents the remarkable diversity, and genetic resources of the state.
  • Checking the soil erosion and denudation of the hill slopes in the catchment areas of rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs in the interest of soil and water conservation for mitigating landslides, floods, and droughts and for the retardation of siltation of reservoirs.
  • Increasing substantially the forest/tree cover in the state through massive afforestation, social forestry programmes especially on all denuded and degraded slopes, regeneration of natural forests through inducing natural regeneration.
  • Increasing the productivity of land through improved management practices to meet the needs of increasing human population in respect of food, timber, fuel wood and fodder for the livestock.
  • Preventing the diversion of forestlands and good agriculture lands for other purposes.
  • Efficient management of land under urban and village settlement to prevent landslides, flooding and damage to roads, bridges, buildings, etc.
  • Efficient management of land under agriculture by controlling the use of pesticides and insecticides to prevent pollution of soil and water resources.
  • Preventing pollution of air especially in urban area by prescribing emission levels for vehicles/industries and other air polluting industries.
  • Encouraging efficient utilization of forest produce and maximizing substitution of wood.
  • Encouraging people to use alternative sources of energy for heating and cooking purposes.

The policy also lays down the (a) essentials of environment, forest and land management (b) strategy (c) management of environment, forests and land (d) ecotourism (e) rights and concessions (f) diversion of forest lands for non forest purpose (g) wildlife conservation (h) tribal people and forests (i) damage to forest from encroachment, fires and grazing (j) forest based industries (k) joint forest management (l) extension (m) forestry and environmental education and training (n) forestry and environmental research (o) personnel management (p) survey of environment, forest and land and database (q) legal support, organization and infrastructure development (r) financial support for environment and forestry.

The original document can be viewed here on the Sikkim info website.

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Post By: rajshekar