English Song

Put in your own tune and sing this during the assembly. You could use it for an inter-school competition too. Water Colours Ask me the colour of water and I’ll say, “Hello! It’s blue and green… cousins all the way Throw some brown in as added clay…” What I see is what I say! Clear pristine waterfall Rivers, pond, lakes- take them all Great water bodies that are oceans called Shimmering shades of green blue bubble balls Quite often it’s an olive green Sometimes a darker envy’s sheen A lot due to algae growing keen And some mossy layers slippery, fat or lean Sometimes muddy, sometimes brown, The flowing stream and stagnant pond, A source of water mixed right down With soil, and other things we're not too fond Water has a colour of its own Seen as a transparent bluish gown But all other colours seen and shown Could be due to other than water's own These add to water's colour quality But a sad thing is that you see That today's man used water is coloured to be An undesirable variety A certain black, a certain gray It's how it is when for city's space we fray Men and women have colored water to gray And black flows through a city's tunnel way Black comes from our potties, mate And gray from our kitchen's waste And when all the soaps and detergents must Be washed out from our bathrooms fast It mixes with the water we drink Gives a tummy ache and causes a stink Most cities cannot handle this thing Takes their economy to the brink Let's look at ecosan Let's build spaces with a plan Reuse, recycle where we can Keep our water clean for man
Post By: iwpsuperadmin