Election promise: Legal right to water ?

theironman.jpg In preparation for the upcoming elections, Shri L. K. Advani recently had an interaction with leading subject experts, NGO representatives, health workers & environmentalists.  Participants in the discussion included Dr. R.K.Pachauri, Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Ms Sunita Narain, Chairperson, Centre for Science & Environment among other experts and representatives from across the spectrum organizations involved in water and allied fields. The discussion was on how to ensure a supply of clean drinking water of a prescribed minimum quantity, free of charge, to all the citizens of the country. Statements after the meeting indicate that a future BJP government would ensure a supply of adequate clean drinking water, provision of sanitation and sewage disposal on a nation wide basis. The meeting provided a platform for policy makers and experts to share ideas, generate a new vision that focuses on decentralized water treatment facilities and matching sewage treatment systems. A strong plea by the experts to ensure a basic minimum quantity of clean drinking water be made available to all, free of charge, as a basic human right & also development of community based water management systems was made. An amount of 20 litres per capita per day seemed to be generally acceptable to all the participants as the amount as basic human need. Also removal of inequities in the supply of the water to the rich and poor; holistic policy and approach in handling the water supply issues; cleaning up of river systems should be bi-partisan national mission; rain water harvesting and recycling of water; imperative need to give priority to R& D effort in the sector were addressed. More information on the interaction can be had here: Statement on Shri L.K. Advani's Meeting with Experts on Safe Drinking Water List of Participants in the Meeting News Report from Indopia
Post By: iwp