Domestic water usage analysis for a 32 flat apartment in Bangalore - Kannan Venkitachalam


Domestic water usage analysis
Initially used to buy 3-4 tankers per day with limited supply of water like in morning 1.5hrs., Noon 1 hr & Night 1.5hrs for the last 11 to 12 months. Now we have 24 hrs water and buying only 2 tankers per day.
I strongly recommend you to install water meter to your Apartment to overcome the summer water problem and save water (indirectly save money). I am attaching the pdf file format about the water usage analysis in my apartment.

As per attached data 20-30% flats consumes 40-50% of total water consumption in the apartment. Please share this information to all your friends cirlce who are living in apartments and encourage them to install water meter. Let each and every apartment save water for everyones future.
"Without measure, there is no control".  Let everyone "Use & Pay" for the water. Consider water as God's own tears, so much more value than money

Thank you,

Kannan Venkitachalam
+919449155302 /

Post By: venki_kannan