District-wise monthly rainfall data, list of raingauge stations, India Meteorological Department (IMD)

The India Meteorological Department
The India Meteorological Department

Rainfall data

In response to an RTI petition filed by the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has made rainfall data for the past few years available at a monthly level, for each district of the country on their website.

India Water Portal has imported all the data from 2004-2010 into a spreadsheet that you can download and save for future use.

Raingauge stations list

IMD archives and supplies rainfall data of raingauge stations of the country. The spelling of the station names are given as information received from regional offices. However availability of data is not uniform for all these stations and the same may be checked with the National Data Centre of India Meteorological Department, Pune.


We thank Sailendra Mishra, RN Divakar, Samuel Rajkumar, Shubham Singh, Nisreen Ahmed and Nisha Thompson, for helping us extract and post this data in the public domain.


While India Water Portal has taken significant effort to ensure the validity of the data, we are not responsible for any errors that may have occurred.

Download the spreadsheet with IMD 2004-2010 district-wise monthly rainfall data for the whole of India

For accessing 1901-2001 meteorological data for the whole of India, please use the MET DATA Tool.

 Download the spreadsheet with IMD raingauge stations in the country
