Determination of SCS runoff Curve Number and land use changes for Hamidnagar sub-basin of Punpun basin – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report deals with determination of SCS runoff Curve Number and land use changes for Hamidnagar sub-basin of Punpun basin. The design of any hydraulic structure calls for the estimation of runoff. The Soil Conservation Services model, developed by USDA, computes direct runoff through an empirical equation that requires the rainfall and watershed coefficient as inputs. The watershed coefficient is called the Curve Number (CN), which represents the runoff potential of the land cover-soil complex.

The study of land use changes is a prerequisite for making developmental plans. Land use changes can be studied through satellite data, however, where rainfall-runoff data are available over a longer period of time, a general trend of land use changes can also be assessed through establishment of runoff curve numbers. The approach of estimating CN using remote sensing technique saves time and is less expensive as compared to conventional techniques.

A project is proposed for the construction of a diversion barrage on river Punpun at Hamidnagar in Aurangabad. For design of the barrage, estimation of water availability and runoff due to precipitation in the upper catchment is essential. In the present study, the runoff curve number for Hamidnagar sub-basin is established using IRS-1A, LISS II data and soil information of Hamidnagar sub-basin.

The rainfall-runoff data over a period of nine years was used to develop the runoff curve numbers. Further, an attempt is made to study the changes of Hamidnagar sub-basin by comparing the developed curve numbers.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani