Crossing boundaries quarterly newsletter: Vol 24 April 2009 by SaciWATERs

Image & Content Courtesy: SaciWATERs

Crossing Boundaries Project Newsletter aims to share the initiatives undertaken by SaciWATERs and the Partner Institutions in order to fulfill the objectives of the Crossing Boundaries Project. It also seeks to share ideas, goals, concerns and research with partners, civil society organizations, international NGOs, UN agencies and other important players in the water policy sector.

The 24th Volume of the CB NEWS features highlights of the participation of the Crossing Boundaries team at the World Water Forum 5, Istanbul, 2009. It also brings to you consolidated reports of the recent Staff Training Programme and Reader Workshop organised by SaciWATERs.

The newsletter can be downloaded here: Crossing Boundaries NEWS Quarterly Newsletter: Vol.24 April 2009

Post By: iwp