Construction and Maintenance of Minors: A manual by Uttar Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project

This manual by the Uttar Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project - UP Department of Irrigation, written for Water User's Associations (WUAs), provides guidelines for restoring under-performing minors (irrigation channels which carries water to the fields) in the state, to their original design characteristics before the maintenance and management of minors is transferred to the WUAs. This is a prerequisite for making the use of irrigation water economical and efficient, and for introduction of volumetric system of water flow.

As per the guidelines, all construction works shall be carried out by the UP Irrigation Department in accordance with approved drawings and prescribed specifications. Activities like setting out works and site clearance shall be completed before actual execution. Proper and timely maintenance will prolong their life and the channels will be able to accomplish their purpose of systematic and equitable distribution of available water. The minor should be inspected during closure and when running. The office bearers of WUAs will conduct joint walk-through with the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) team to identify the nature and location of various deficiencies and plan the necessary remedial measures. The estimation of silt may be done from the depth of silt on bed bars.

Minors off-taking from branch canals carry coarse silts, which should be disposed off at identified locations. The existing outlets should not be blocked. The manual also lays down that no tubewell should be allowed within 25 m on either side of minor. Regular inspection, maintenance and repair of all pucca works on minors are necessary. The canal gauges should be cleared periodically. The outlets should be inspected for any chocking or tampering. Guls should not be allowed along channel banks or inside canal land. Detailed procedures for repair have been included in manual.

Download the manual here:


Post By: Amita Bhaduri