Comics for a cause: The WaSH series

Comics for entertainment, mythology, science, values etc. are common, However comics for a cause is something that was unheard until now. On 14 August,  a Bangalore based NGO CDL along with WaterAid India launched their comics for a cause called the WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) series.

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, some one also said a comic is worth a thousand pictures. Cartoons have proved to be the best method to penetrate into young minds and make them realize even complex problems, often these young minds revert back with never thought before solutions. This was the ideology behind the WaSH series. WaSH is something that has been created for the young minds and have come out of similar young minds. Yes, WaSH characters and stories are ideas of children from rural and urban poor areas.



The creation of WaSH series started in Sept-Oct 2009, when 2 groups of 24 children from rural and urban poor areas were given workshop on basic drawing skills. During the workshop the children were invited to share common WaSH problems that existed in their areas, along with solutions to the same. At the end of the workshop there were 24 stories and 24 ideas, out of which 4 were selected on the basis of the simplicity and uniqueness of the idea. These 4 stories were converted into a story board and then professionally illustrated by an artist. So came up the WaSH series which for now are avialable in English as well as Kannada, work is on to translate these comics into other regional languages.

At the event were present renowned theater personality Ms. Arundhati Nag (also a Trustee at CDL), Retired IAS officer Mr. Chiranjeevi Singh, Mr.B.Krishnappa (KRWSS), Executive Director of CDL Ms. Shangon Das Gupta, and of course the children who ideated the comics. These people appreciated the initiative and pressed for mass circulation. Mr. Chiranjeevi Singh reiterated the point that water should be the prime priority for the government on contrary to the highways and metro.

The event concluded with the children expressing their happiness to be a part of the program and their stories being published. For these kids these stories may be part of story books, but they would not realize how deep the morals would impact in the water scenario of India or probably the world.

CDL's showcase of the new cartoon series also invited various organisations and institutions interested to collaborate and take the cartoons to the masses.

CDL can be reached at or


Post By: iwp