Chapter 7 - Delivery Systems

Delivery pipelines convey water from the storage tank to points of use. Ultra violet treated PVC pipes or GI pipes are normally used. The water can either be pumped or flow by gravity depending on where the tank and end-use points are situated.

Installation of delivery pipelines

  • As in the case of gutter and downtake pipes, delivery pipelines should also be clamped properly to the wall.
  • If end-use points within the school are connected to both the rainwater storage tank and the municipal supply storage tank (overhead tank), a non return valve should be installed in the delivery pipeline system, so that the water from the overhead tank does not empty out into the rainwater storage tank.
  • If end-use points within the school are connected to the rainwater storage tank and the municipal supply storage tank (overhead tank), a valve should be provided to allow the user to switch to the former during the monsoon season and the latter when rainwater is not available.
  • If the storage tank is above the ground, an overflow pipe should be provided as close to the top of the tank as possible. If the downtake pipe bringing water into the tank is large, more than one overflow pipe can be provided. Increasing the diameter of the overflow pipe would reduce the storage capacity of the tank and hence it is preferable to use more number of smaller diameter overflow pipes.
  • For storage tanks that are below the ground, overflow pipes should be provided from the filter systems.

Source: Rainwater Harvesting  - Trainers’ Manual published by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation


Chapter 8

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