Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture announces a "National Workshop cum Brain Storming on Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through Farm Ponds Experiences, Issues and Strategies" to be organized from April 21-22, 2009 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.

Forwarded to the Portal by: Dr. KV Rao Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture has announced a "National Workshop cum Brain Storming on Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through Farm Ponds Experiences, Issues and Strategies" to be organized from April 21-22, 2009 at CRIDA, Hyderabad. The Workshop is not planned as a typical academic event involving presentation of research papers. It is mainly to share experiences in the form of successful case studies, and the causes for successes or otherwise and collectively identify critical issues, research gaps/policy initiatives required for future action. All the participants who attend the workshop are required to present their experiences. The objectives of the Workshop are: • Sharing of experiences on water harvesting and reuse through farm ponds and related issues, among scientific institutions, Govt. departments, NGOs, civil society organizations and progressive farmers. • Understand the biophysical, technological and social constraints in adoption and up-scaling. • Identify critical research gaps and policy initiatives for wider adoption of farm pond technology in the country. The last date for submission of intent forms is 10th February, 2009. The Second Circular will be sent by 28th February, 2009 confirming their participation. The deadline for submission of Extended abstract by selected participants is 31st March 2009. Contact and Submission of the Intent Forms: The intent forms may be duly filled and submitted electronically to: rwh@crida.ernet.in Download Intent Form here: Intent Form for National Workshop Alternatively the forms can also be downloaded from CRIDA website: http://www.crida.ernet.in Read more on the India Water Portal here: Resources on Rainwater Harvesting
Post By: iwp