Case study of rainwater harvesting of Thane city, Maharashtra- a presentation

This presentation deals with a case study of rainwater harvesting of Thane city of Maharashtra. It begins with a discussion of the Environmental Status Report of the Thane Municipal Corporation for the year 1999-2000 which states that all the groundwater is non potable. The authors identify the research and development needs as follows –

  • Factors responsible for non-potability of ground water,
  • Paving of open lands,
  • Low flushing rate,
  • Decrease in green cover,
  • Storm water drainage,
  • Industrial sewage water,
  • Domestic sewage water, and
  • High and low tidal movement of water.

The authors then trace their search for possible answers – (a) Flushing the rainwater to replace or dilute the ground water (b) Modern sewage treatment systems and (c) Charging the tube-wells and bore-wells with rooftop rain water harvesting. Their awareness creation strategy comprises of –

  • Study of rain-pattern to understand the potential,
  • Awareness through programmes,
  • Study of distribution system of city water supply and possible problems,
  • Economics of drinking water,
    • Threats to quality of drinking water,
    • Chlorination,
    • Technology for rainwater harvesting

The stress on socializing and economizing technology is founded on the following –

  • Benefit to everybody
  • Low cost factor
  • Use of existing structure pipelines
  • Revolution started with breaking of paved areas
  • Soak pit concept with sand filter accepted as economic solution
  • Online filters developed to charge the water to tube wells and bore wells.

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Post By: rajshekar