Cadastral level resources information system for Kundapallam (Kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) watersheds in the Nilgiris district, Tamil Nadu, using remote sensing, GPS and GIS

This article deals with cadastral level resources information system for Kundapallam (Kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) watersheds in the Nilgiris district using remote sensing, GPS and GIS. The main objectives of the study are as follows -

  • Creation of cadastral level resources information system for sustainable watershed development
  • To identify the improper land-use practice areas with the combination of slope and soil type
  • To evolve and arrive at local-specific cadastral boundary level development action paln considering land and forest resources for optimal utilization and to address the remedial developmental measures for Kundapallam (kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) microwatersheds on a sustainable basis.

Achieving and maintaining the ecological balance through eco-restoration, eco-development and eco-preservation is the prime objective with special emphasis on promoting the people living in the hill areas. The planning aims at the sustainable development of natural resources at cadastral level for maintaining the balance between the productivity function and conservation practices through monitoring and identification of problem areas and calls for alternate appropriate and energy efficient methods and practices. 

For watershed management at micro level, maps on 1:5000 scale or larger are needed including contours of 5-m interval. Such maps are not available now and presently maps are locally prepared for the construction site for project management. 

Aerial photos taken during 1996 on 1:8000 scale for the entire Nilgiris district are used for preparing large-scale maps. Global Positioning System was used for establishing ground control survey in sparse network. Orthophoto, Digital Elevation Model and 5m-interval contour map were generated using photogrammetric techniques. 

The orthophotos and IRS I C LISS III + PAN merged special satellite data were used for the generation of thematic maps such as land use/land cover, soil, drainage etc. Slope map was derived from 5-m interval contour using Arcview 3D analyst. Action plan for resources management on a sustainable basis was derived using GIS. Cadastral map showing parcel boundaries on 1: 7920 obtained from Survey and land records department was brought into 1: 5000 scale and superimposed on thematic maps and action plan maps. And also other socioeconomic data pertaining to the watershed were collected and cadastral level Resources Information Database was generated. Cadastral level Database is customised in the GIS environment, which is interactive, and user friendly. Monitoring and further updation will be easier for the field officers. 

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Post By: Rama Mani