Boiling Point: Containing the spill over of climate change in the Indian subcontinent - A report by Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS)

Boiling PointThe report ‘Boiling Point’ by Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS) discusses the impact of climatic changes at the global, national and local level on the environment and on the current survival, food, water security issues and livelihoods of communities in India.

The report highlights the problems faced by a number of communities from the different parts of the country by presenting case studies that describe how climatic changes have influenced local livelihoods and survival needs of communities with the marginalised and the deprived being the most affected. The report presents  a few case studies that illustrate how people have coped with these problems by finding out appropriate, locally relevant and sustainable solutions.

The report recognises that identification of positive efforts made by individuals or groups of people through the case studies can be one such step towards triggering a discussion and educating the people on the seriousness of the situation and making them realise of the urgency to act fast. The report identifies the need for advocacy and educational efforts based on the bottom up approach involving the grassroot level that  can lead to building up of pressure for the need to bring about changes at the policy level.

The report highlights the need for urgent efforts  to cope with the changes that have been taking place in the climatic conditions that have been influencing not only the safety, livelihood, sustainability of the communities, but as the report argues the very existence of communities not only in India, but throughout the globe. The title of the report aptly signifies this urgency for the need to act fast.

A synopsis of the report can be accessed from the Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS) website. A complete copy of the report can be requested by writing to
