Benchmarking and data book of water utilities in India by ministry of urban development and Asian Development Bank (2007)

Water supply is one of the five urban basic services being addressed by the Government of India under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) with support from Asian Development Bank (ADB) embarked on a Benchmarking and Water Utilities Data Book Project for 20 selected water utilities in India.

The Data Book comprises three parts -

  • Part I is a  summary of findings and brief comments thereon.
  • Part II consists of comparison charts and tables of a number of important performance parameters.
  • Part III gives the utility and city profiles.

Performance indicators were derived using basic data provided by the utilities and following various computations using the formulas in the following sections below. Almost all the data used in comparing the indicators in the tables, graphs, charts and figures are found in each of the utility and area profiles, hence, exact values can be extracted.

The performance indicators were derived from information provided by the participating utilities. The reliability of a number of important indicators such as per capita consumption, UFW, and finance indicators related to consumption and billing are suspect in the absence of full metering and should be used with caution.

According to the Data Book attention needs to be focused on the following:

  • Advocacy for more investment in the sector and greater coverage
  • 24-hour water supply
  • 100% metering of both production and consumption
  • Management of water losses by keeping UFW in check, appropriate pricing and public awareness
  • Phasing out of public taps providing free water
  • Improved billing and collection efficiency
  • Appropriate tariffs to cover O&M costs and costs of expansion
  • Investment in capacity building for staff and management
  • Regular monitoring of performance through appropriate management information systems
  • Support for services to the urban poor through lifeline rates and installment payment of connection fees.

Performance improvement for each utility will have to be based on the indicators and their operating environment as described in the utility and area profiles in this data book. Additional information will be required in the development of performance improvement plans. 

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Post By: Rama Mani