Basic course on fluorosis and fluoride removal (part 4 of 4)

The course starts from the basics of what fluoride is, sources of fluoride intake, how fluoride enters water and the symptoms of fluorosis. It explains the ways of solving this problem with a special emphasis on rainwater harvesting as a source of uncontaminated drinking water.

The last portion describes "Sachetana", a government intervention in Karnataka to mitigate the fluoride problem in the most seriously affected villages of the state. The course content was developed by BIRD-K (Baif Institute for Rural Development, Karnataka)

Usage: The course is directed towards a general audience in a rural area affected by fluorosis. It can be used by NGOs or government agencies in their awareness building programs.

View the multimedia course in English | Kannada | Telugu (Opens in new window)

Download multimedia course in English | Kannada | Telugu

To view the other parts of the course refer:

Basic course on fluorosis and fluoride removal (part 1 of 4)

Basic course on fluorosis and fluoride removal (part 2 of 4)

Basic course on fluorosis and fluoride removal (part 3 of 4)

Post By: Rama Mani