Background on the meteorological datasets

Data source
The rainfall dataset processed here is a compilation of the publicly available monthly district-level rainfall data provided by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). The data was cleaned and processed for the time consistent panel of 666 districts across India. The missing data for the district level rainfall has been imputed assuming the parallel trend with state IMD Sub-Division Level Rainfall information. This data is compiled for quick access purposes and the imputation might not reflect the observation for the years with missing data. Such fields are highlighted in the datasheet.

Processing of the CRU dataset
Data is compiled using the unique district and state identifier. The imputation formula used for the missing years is as follows:






Data series includes monthly average rainfall for the districts. Annual and monsoonal cumulative rainfall and estimated values for the annual and monsoonal rainfall where monthly data is not available.


The raw data was sourced for rainfall analysis from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) Pune.

The purpose of this data is to provide easy access to continuous balance district level monthly, monsoonal, and annual quantum of rainfall data.

It can be better utilized for referencing the years for the general rainfall behaviour. It is not suitable for the micro-level rainfall trend analysis or forecasting related computations.

Praharsh M. Patel

IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program


The data analysis was financially supported by the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program (

References and Recommended Reading
Praharsh Patel, Adeel Khan. Changing Rainfall Patterns in an Era of Climate Change: A Multiparameter Spatiotemporal Analysis of Trends & Impacts for India, 02 December 2020, PREPRINT (Version 2) available at Research Square []


Post By: Amita Bhaduri