Asli Tarakki in the NCR

Campaign launched to improve sanitation in the NCR 
The ministry of urban development has launched a new awareness campaign–Asli tarakki–aimed at improving sanitation in six cities in the national capital region (NCR). All five Delhi municipal corporations, in addition to Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad and Faridabad, will be covered under this campaign. Enthusiastic youth associated with the Nehru Yuvak Kendra will head the campaign as ‘lead motivators’ to spread the word about the Swachh Bharat Mission. Speakers will dwell upon the benefits of maintaining good hygiene and toilet use in addition to spreading awareness about the financial support available through the government for latrine construction. 
French team to study Nagpur's solid waste woes
A team of experts from France have reached Nagpur to help the municipal corporation deal with its solid waste. The team from Agence France Development (AFD) has zeroed in on the Bhandewadi dumping yard to study the existing management plant and treatment facilities. Based on the study, the team is expected to come up with a plan of action for the corporation to follow. The state government had, in January 2016, signed a technical assistance memorandum with AFD with regard to solid waste management. 
Centre confident of transforming villages along the Ganga into ODF zones
Despite recent setbacks owing to the flood situation in Bihar, the union government is confident of making the December deadline of ensuring open defecation free (ODF) status for all villages along the Ganga. The programme covers 5,169 villages in the states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal through which the Ganga flows. The ministry of drinking water and sanitation has come up with an 'Index for Village Swachhta' to rate the progress made in solid waste management as well.
More toilets in Pune district to make it ODF
In a bid to make Pune open defecation free (ODF), the district administration has decided to provide 97,000 households with individual latrines by October 2, 2016. The gram panchayats have taken an active interest in ensuring that villages under their jurisdictions meet the toilet construction targets. Villagers have been informed that failure to abide by the directions will result in penalties, including the loss of benefits from government schemes and 732 gram panchayats have passed resolutions in this regard so far. 
UNDP to construct 2,000 eco-friendly biodigester toilets in Nagpur
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDPA) has decided to construct 2,000 biodigester toilets in five zones across the Nagpur city. Biodigester toilets will be extremely effective in places with no sewerage connectivity. Local NGO, Centre for Sustainable Development, has been roped in to create awareness about the benefits of biodigester toilets in addition to ensuring post-construction usage and maintenance.  
This is a roundup of important sanitation related news published between August 27 and September 2, 2016
Post By: iwpsuperadmin