Artificial recharge using remote sensing and GIS - a case study from Tamil Nadu

This study on the GIS development site was undertaken to identify the favourable areas for artificial recharge and suggest suitable recharge structures to augment the aquifer system. The analysis was carried out blockwise for the entire state of Tamil Nadu using remote sensing data and GIS techniques.

The objectives of the study were

  • To delineate areas favourable for recharge by integrating various themes with different recharge possibilities
  • To recommend suitable recharge structures.

The various thematic maps such as geomorphology, geology, soil, slope, landuse, drainage, drainage density, lineament density, runoff isolines, depth to weathered zone, depth to basement, groundwater level fluctuations and water quality were used in the analysis. The above maps were prepared using IRS-1C LISS III satellite data and other collateral information collected from the field and digitized. Criterion tables were generated considering the importance of different themes and necessary ranks and weights were assigned to each theme.

Considering the terrain conditions and favourable zonation, the suitable artificial recharge structures such as percolation pond, check dam, recharge pit, recharge shaft, contour trench, nallah bund, recharge tube wells and subsurface dyke were recommended. These recommendations were communicated to district administration for implementation.


Post By: rajshekar