Andhra Pradesh water land and trees act (APWALTA)

This deals with the Andhra Pradesh water land and trees act, an act to promote water conservation, and tree cover and to regulate the exploitation and use of ground and surface water for protection and conservation of water sources, land and environment. After this act was brought into force the government, by notification constituted an authority called the Andhra Pradesh state water, land and trees authority (APWALTA).

The authority shall perform the following functions, namely -

  • promote water conservation and enhancement of tree cover in the state;
  • regulate the exploitation of ground and surface water in the state;
  • make regulations for the functioning of the authorities at district and mandal level constituted under the act;
  • advise the government on the legislative and administrative measures to be taken from time to time for the conservation of natural resources;
  • advise on economic measures to be taken by the government  as incentives or disincentives relating to taxes, levies, fees or other charges to promote conservation of natural resources;
  • advise on strengthening public participation in conservation of natural resources from time to time in such a way that equity in access to water in different basins, sub-basins and regions in the state is maintained;
  • advise on any other matter that may be referred to it by the government; and
  • advise the government  on the constitution and functions of the district level and mandal level authorities.

Read the act here

Post By: Rama Mani