Anatomy of a survey in Karnataka - Videos

arghyam_logo.jpg Arghyam,, (the organisation that runs the India Water Portal) is conducting a water and sanitation survey in the state of Karnataka. One of the most intensive efforts of its kind, the survey will cover 17,200 households in all 28 districts of Karntaka. This will be a people's survey where the surveyors will be from among the people and include students, women members of self help groups, local NGO partners and other interested volunteers. The survey has entered the intensive phase in December, with the preparatory phases completed and the actual survey work has begun. Through a series of posts here we'll trace the survey process and provide an inside look at how this project is going To see the entire series, click here : ====== Current status: Last week the first surveys started in the coastal districts of Karnataka. The survey will be conducted in a staggered way in different districts - in some districts the regional training will be happening next week. We invite particapation from civil society observers. They can join the survey closest to them for a day and provide their feedback on the performance of the survey. For getting more information on this please mail with a cc to You can also call 080 41698941 and explain that you are a civil society person looking to particapate in the survey and ask for Binayak Das, Reena Pinto or Parameshwarappa The People Behind the Survey: Binayak Das =================================== Binayak Das works at Arghyam and is the leader of the survey project. Binayak has been working on Research and Advocacy at Arghyam for the past year with his primary focus being this WatSan survey. He has led an interesting life. Among his past jobs include covering environmental issues for "Down To Earth" as a reporter, travelling across India with Ganesh Pangare to document water issues for the book "Springs of Life", and then doing an M.Sc. in Water Services Management, from the UNESCO-Institute of Hydrology Education in the Netherlands. In this video Binayak talks about what's special about survey and invites civil society particapation Flashback: ======== Pratham ( ) has been driving a massive civil society survey of education in India -- ASER (Annual Status of Education Report). They are also involved with PAHELI - Peoples Audit of Health Education and Livelihoods. In a discussion earlier in February 2008, Rukmini Banerji of Pratham gives ideas for a village WatSan Report card.
Post By: iwp