Analysis of surface runoff and baseflow at Tambarapani basin – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report presents the analysis of surface runoff and baseflow carried out for the Ariyanayakipuram anicut, Tambarapani basin, Tamil Nadu for a period of 13 years (1983-95). The hydrological behavior of catchments is a very complex phenomenon and is controlled by a large number of climatic and physiographic factors that vary in time and space. The analysis shows that the contribution of baseflow at Ariyanayakipuram anicut was observed to be more.

Further, the annual catchment water balance model has been applied to simulate annual surface runoff and baseflow at the anicut. The model has been calibrated for a period of eight years (1983-90) and validated for five years (1991-95). The model is able to simulate surface runoff more accurately than baseflow.

The model has also established the relation between precipitation and surface runoff, and runoff and baseflow coefficient functions at Ariyanayakipuram anicut and these functions may be useful to water management departments to understand the surface runoff and baseflow runoff processes at the anicut. The study recommends the need for carrying out further detailed investigations to find out the possible reasons for high flows at the anicut and to understand the runoff and baseflow processes upstream of the Ariyanayakipuram anicut.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani