An addon to the harms of arsenic contaminated water

An add-on to the harms of arsenic contaminated water 

Arsenic contamination of water has led to development of widespread resistance in the country to antimonial drug used to treat leishmaniasis, finds study.

HC allows construction of Bihar's Utkal asbestos plant

Patna High Court renews the no objection certificate of the company in Vaishali district that was earlier cancelled by pollution control board on grounds of close proximity to a vilage and a school.

NGT gets strict with Assam govt

Orders the state government to regulate traffic on 20.5 km stretch of NH-37 passing through Kaziranga National Park by putting barriers, speed cameras and challan rash vehicles to prevent killing of willd animals.

Odisha returns to normalcy, following floods

With the flood water receding in the state, Odisha government turns its attention to relief work in the affected areas.

Air pollution high in Goa's mining talukas

The environment impact study conducted by Indian School of Mines reveals a significant level of environmental pollution in state's five mining talukas.

Sahyadri's tiger conservation plan gets an approval

The tiger reserve in Western Maharashtra becomes the first to get its tiger conservation plan approved by the National Tiger Conservation Authority.

Subarnarekha continues its fury while Odisha govt sleeps

The river floods Balasore and Mayurbhanj districts every year with no permanent solution provided by the state government. The proposed Subarnarekha Sanskar Yojana and  renovation of coast canal remain on papers.

Assam's Dhubri district is now a desert

The district that supplied rice to other states till the end of the last decade has turned into a wasteland as large-scale deforestation in neighbouring Meghalaya state led to sand deposition in paddy fields during floods.

Embankment on Kangsabati breaks for the third time

Following cyclone Phailin, the 75 km embankment on Kangsabati river in West Bengal breaks. This time the mound, which had been repaired twice earlier, has converted the paddy fields into huge lakes.

Authorities cut trees in Kallar Reserve Forest

Trees cleared for laying an eight km long road in Kallar Reserve Forest in Tamil Nadu, to reach an abandoned private estate. The area is also a prime elephant corridor.

This is the roundup of important news for October 29, 2013.

Post By: iwpsuperadmin